Characterization and classification of soils under different land uses in Binwa watershed of Himachal Pradesh


  • Anil Kumar College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh Author
  • V.K. Sharma Department of Soil Science, CSKHPKV, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. Author
  • Swapana Sepehya College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh Author


Classification, Different land uses, Soil characterization


The knowledge of soils with respect to their characteristics, properties, classification, distribution and potential uses is always needed for sustainable land use planning. Binwa watershed represents high-, mid- and low hill soil zones and agro-situations of Himachal Pradesh and lies between 76°34′08″ to 76°45′53″E longitudes and 31°53′15″ to 32°11′58″N latitudes. The area under built-up, cropland, tea plantation, forest, scrubland and grasslands, rock outcrops and water bodies is 4.7, 24.9, 1.3, 33.4, 23.4, 8.4 and 3.9% of the total watershed area (340.1 km2), respectively. A reconnaissance soil survey of Binwa watershed was conducted to describe and classify the soils and predict soil potentials for sustainable land uses. Based on 478 augerbore/minipit observations, sixteen pedons were identified to represent soils under different land uses. The soils are characterized by the presence of A-C, A-Bw-C and A-Bt1…. horizon sequences. Soils of high and mid-hill soil zones are loamy skeletal to fine silty, very shallow to very deep and acidic (base saturation <60%), while those of low hill zone are loamy skeletal to coarse loamy, very shallow to deep and non-acidic (base saturation >60%). Taxonomically, the soils of Binwa watershed are member of loamy skeletal to fine silty, shallow to very deep, nil to very gravelly, acid to non-acid, mixed, thermic families of Typic / Lithic Udorthents / Dystrudepts / Eutrudepts / Hapludalfs / Paleudalfs and are put into ten tentative soil series, each with unique characteristics, properties and productivity potentials. Use and management of soils had no effect on the natural identity of the soils. Soils were found deficient in available N, P, Mg, S, Cu and Zn. Agricultural lands have more nutrient contents and better nutrient status as compared to non-agricultural lands.





