Effect of soil applied natural and synthetic nitrification inhibitors on nitrogen transformations and nitrification inhibition in NW Himalayan region of Himachal Pradesh


  • Shubham University Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Punjab Author
  • Uday Sharma Department of Soil Science and Water management, Dr YSPUHF Nauni, Solan. Author
  • Rajesh Kaushal Department of Soil Science and Water management, Dr YSPUHF Nauni, Solan. Author


Nitrification, Nitrification inhibitors, N recovery, Nh + retention, No - accumulation, Plant derivatives


Usefulness of nitrification inhibitors (NIs) has been identified in reducing the soil nitrogen losses of applied N fertilizers. We conducted an incubation experiment to evaluate the effects of soil applied NIs on nitrogen transformations (NH & NO ) and NI in sandy clay loam soil. Powdered extracts of pomegranate rind, melia fruit, neem cake were prepared and added in soil at concentration of 20 and 40 g kg-1 soil, respec- tively, while calcium carbide was added at 30 g kg-1 soil. Sources of N, P and K were urea, single super phosphate (SSP), murate of potash (MOP) at the rate of 1.98, 3.50 and 0.88 g-1pot, respectively. Sole application of urea was taken as the control treatment. Treated soils were incubated at 25oC for 42 days. Results revealed that at the end of incubation, highest NH +-N retention (126.30 mg N kg-1) and total soil nitrogen 4 (TSN) (152.72 mg kg-1) was recorded under CaC @ 30 g kg-1 soil treatment. Maximum 2 NO --N accumulation (42.26 mg N kg-1) was associated with melia fruit @ 20 g kg-1 soil 3 treatment. Regarding the nitrification inhibition, treatment of neem cake 40 g kg-1 soil recorded maximum nitrification inhibition (44.31 %). Amongst the different nitrification inhibitors tested, lowest levels of nitrified N (20.41 and 22.05%) were recorded under the application of CaC @30 g kg-1 soil and neem cake @40 g kg-1, while the 2 maximum (54.5%) was observed in treatment comprising of urea alone (control). Ecofriendly and cost-effective plant based nitification inhibitors were identified superior as compared to synthetic on nitrification inhibition.





